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Monthly Archives: March 2010

As you all know, we advocate functional and bodyweight training which are essential parts of your strength and conditioning.

So we put together a few drills you can incorporate into any workout in order to compliment your programme, a few are for fun but do have benefits, give them a go and let us know how you get on.

Punch and Crunch

Have your partner stand or kneel above you as if in the guard position wearing focus mitts, you do as many crunches and punches as you can in thirty seconds then jump up and hit the pads from the en guard position as many as you can again for thirty seconds. This drill is great for a core and punching workout from the ground and standing positions, it also allows quick level changes, do this drill for time.

Turn and Tap

Stand with your back to your partner, gloves on, your partner should be within your fighting arc and wearing focus mitts behind you. Your partner taps one of your shoulders and holds the pads in any format, you turn quickly and punch the pads as you see them, then turn back, process is repeated and can be done for time or set number of combinations. The drill is good for speed, reaction, punching.

Duck and Dive

Face your partner and hit the pads as they appear, after set time or number of repetitions, sprawl to the ground and dive through your partners legs, turn and leapfrog over them before facing the pads and repeating.

Great drill for punching, level change and plyometrics


Have your partner stand with legs and arms out stretched, jump on their back and then attempt to circumnavigate your partners body without touching the ground, so you go around the front and return to the back position, you partner may assist you.

Promotes grip, strength and flexibility and also gives your partner a good core workout.

Hustle and Muscle

One partner executes press ups whilst  the other starting on the left or side of their partner, executes the first part of a burpee, on the jump phase jump over your partner then crawl under your partner whilst they hold the up position of the press up, then carry on with the burpee and press ups.

Good drill for both partners, strength, plyometrics , level change and CV are all covered.

Punch and Push

One partner lies on their back with gloves on, knees up towards their chest, the other partner stands at the feet of the partner on there back with focus mitts on, leans over and allows the down partner to hit the pads before they push their feet into the standing partners stomach and execute a leg press, effectively pushing their partner away, stand up and hit the pads, again for combinations or time.

Drills promotes punching from the ground, strength, cv, level change, punching

Shake the snake

Stand back to back, place your right hand through your legs, grab your partners right wrist, on the command go, both fighters attempt to pull there partner in the opposite direction from which they face, swap hands , then double hands. DON’T LET GO!

Promotes strength, drive, flexibility

Happy Slaps

Stand facing your partner, both hold their right hand in a slap position as if to slap the others face, grab the right wrist of your partner with your left hand in a parallel grip and on command go, attempt to slap your partner.

If you get slapped a forfeit has to be done.

Good strength and also control exercise

Walk the dog

Stand facing each other, one partner grabs the ankle of the others right or left leg, holding the leg in line with the hip and leg straight, start walking your partner around in a circle, forwards, backwards making him jump on the opposite leg to keep up. Swap legs.

Works the leg muscles and acts plyometricaly, also overloads the hip flexors

Leg o war

Face each other as above and hold each others right or left leg, attempt to bounce your partner in different directions or pull him your way, winner is the man still standing, swap legs

Rocking and wriggling

Both partners sit on the floor, partner one legs wide arms out stretched in line with the shoulders. Partner two comes I from behind partner one and hooks their legs over the top of partner one’s legs.

Partner two then place’s their arms around the chest of partner one and then pushes  in close to the back of partner one placing their head down between the shoulder blades and holds partner one in a gable lock.

Partner one drops their hands, the object is for partner one without using their hands to break partner two’s grip,  and break out of the hold. Normally done for time or the break which ever comes first.

This is done by wriggling and rocking side to side back and forward placing your partner off balance.

Promotes, core, strength, flexibility, ground work.

There are many partner workouts out there the above are just a few and have many variations, give them a go and see how you get on, any questions contact us, or just let us know how you got on.

Brian Fernie MMA-CSCC