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Monthly Archives: March 2009

As a boxer,fighter, runner or endurance athlete you know how hard it is to continually pound the tarmac mile after mile hour after hour, sometimes with your trainer alongside shouting in your ear, other times all alone just putting in the miles.


It doesn’t have to be that way smaller bouts of high intensity training can and will improve your speed and stamina endurance.


Don’t get me wrong there is a lot of advantages for lengthy road sessions with and without weight, and the following workouts can and will improve your stamina, both in speed and endurance and be a welcome addition to any programme and also aid you mentally as your brain wont switch off thinking about the hours and miles.


The workouts below start at the basic level before progressing to an intermediate level, these workouts have all been tested and are achievable being adapted from military tests.



Basic Fitness Test

Find a relatively flat route 1.5 miles in distance.

First 1.5 mile 14 minutes

Second 1.5 mile maximum effort


The first part of the test is to gently run and walk the route reaching the end in thirteen minutes; you then have one minute rest, before running back to the start as fast you can timings are as below dependant on your age group.



16- 30





8m 15sec

8m 30sec


9m 15s




















2 Miler


 This is the start of the weighted runs; the test is normally performed in boots with a weighted pack of 45lbs. This is not a run but a fast paced speed march (walk) the aim is to complete the two miles in or around sixteen minutes. At no point should an individual run.








3 Miler


This is a run and is over a 3 mile course the equipment required is as above and the course is required to be completed in 33 minutes




6 Miler


This is a weighted run/speed march with the same equipment as above and is conducted over a six mile course, timings can vary in the military owing to selection criteria, but you should aim to complete the route in around an hour.




8 Miler


An 8 mile course, the same equipment as before this test is normally at its standard level to be completed in 2 hours. The timings can and have been varied owing to different selection criteria for various units and courses within the Army.

I have included some alternative times below



1hr – Elite

1hr 15 minutes- Advanced

1hr 30 minutes- Intermediate

2 hrs —Standard




Now you have some alternative sessions for your programmes, these sessions will cut down on some of the mileage allowing you to concentrate on other aspects of your training and you will hopefully see an improvement in your speed and endurance.







Brian Fernie is a Master Trainer and founder and director of Scotland’s Premier Personal Training Company. He served with both the army and police service and has a varied background in sports from martial arts to triathlon.