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Monthly Archives: January 2009






Ever wondered how you can have your cake and eat it!


Your prayers have been answered The TON UP® Principle has arrived, based loosely on a military style circuit which my trainers and myself were put through many times in our military careers, we developed the concept. The idea of the principle is to complete each exercise quickly and accurately and upon completion of the required reps move quickly to the next exercise.


The Ton Up® is what it says 100, 10 reps x 10 sets = 100, no rest between exercises and only 60 seconds between sets.


The circuits can encompass anything from bodyweight (which is the primary way) to dumbbells, kettle bells etc, circuits can be done in a six foot space or placed as stations with sprints in between.


How does it work?

The idea of the principle is to complete each exercise quickly and accurately and upon completion of the required reps move quickly to the next exercise.

This allows an athlete to target hypertrophy by using the fast muscle twitch fibres of the body to build, strengthen muscles, burn fat and boost metabolism. The circuits will boost performance and allow those that have hit a plateau or require a push in the right direction to get motivated.

By keeping the rest to sixty seconds between sets the heart rate remains high and the fast muscle twitch fibres remain activated, this means that an athlete will remain within his maximum heart rate zones for training. The warm up does not count as an exercise in the workout.


To try out the programme for your self below which is Ton Up® 1 and is a bodyweight circuit.

Alternatively try a Ton up Turbo and every two minutes for twenty minutes start a new set to further increase your hypertrophy and endurance ensuring to start on a different exercise each time.


Visit the link below for your programme




Editors note:

Brian Fernie is a Master Personal Trainer and Triathlon Coach and is the founder of T.O.D Coaching Scotland’s Premier Personal Training Company.


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The dairy industry would have you believe that all dairy products are good for you, lower blood pressure, increase calcium in the bones and this in turn aids fractures to heal quicker. We have all seen the adverts which stick in your mind as more than half the population will not have read any reports by the dairy industry into these claims, think back to your childhood which advert do you remember.

The old adverts of milk is kind to your teeth, milk the original fast food, CP3V (Calcium, proteins and 3 vitamins) Milk the white stuff: So good the cows want it back!

Most of us would and have been led to believe that drinking milk regularly does not cause coronary artery problems and can actually protect against poor health, as this is what scientists have told us.

These scientists went to say that concerns regarding to much milk and dairy products could be harmful to health as it leads to high cholesterol levels. In fact heart disease death rates among regular milk drinkers were even found to be lower.

The 25-year study of 5,700 Scottish men found that heart disease death rates among men drinking more than a third of a pint of milk each day were 8% lower than those who drank less.
Deaths from cancer and strokes were 10% lower among the regular milk drinkers.
The benefits of milk could be linked to its high calcium levels and that this might counteract the adverse effects of the saturated fat content of milk. The latter was a claim by the dairy industry who tried to say that saturated fats are good for you.

However there are two sides to every story. Diary products are a health hazard. They contain no fiber or complex carbohydrates and are laden with saturated fat and cholesterol. Milk in some cases has found to be contaminated with cow’s blood and pus and frequently contaminated with pesticides residue, hormones, and antibiotics. Dairy products covers cheese, eggs, milk, yoghurt etc can be linked to constipation, obesity, heart disease, cancer, allergies and other diseases. Worldwide reports claim that 7 out of 10 adults are lactose intolerant and drinking cows milk would seriously bloat them or cause diarrhea.

Yet despite the above we as humans drink milk, some consider it weird that we drink milk beyond the ‘weening’ stage after birth, other people just find it weird that we drink the milk of another animal and we feed animal milk to our children on a daily basis, think back to school when most of us were given a free bottle of milk on a daily basis in our first primary years.

A report by Dr B Spook* openly warned against the feeding of milk to young children owing to the high protein, cholesterol and saturated fat content often found within milk, he stated that milk can cause allergies and insulin dependant diabetes amongst other conditions.

A report from America the Harvard Nurses Study which began in 1980 and lasted 12 years followed a control group of women mostly aged 34 to 59 and the report clearly showed that in most cases milk does not prevent osteoporosis, In fact just the opposite milk can be a contributor in the formation of the condition owing to the fact that the body draws calcium from the bones to aid in the neutralization of proteins and lactic acids found within milk.. The study also concluded that 67% who drank two or more of the diary industries recommended daily intake were more likely to have heart attacks than those that didn’t drink whole milk.

Low-fat milk is an exception to this, the Harvard nurses study did show that those who drank low fat milk and not whole milk did show a reduced risk of heart disease.

The report showed that low fat milk is good for you in that it can aid in lowering blood pressure. Such as post exercise drinks like For Goodness Shakes which have been proven to aid recovery and boost protein levels in  the body post exercise.

However not all promises and advertising is true and this is where we as consumers need to be aware that the diary industries marketing campaigns and promises that all diary products inclusive of whole milk are not true as we have read in this report. So the next time you go to buy milk think low fat and remember everything in modesty!

* Dr Benjamin Spook, America’s former leading authority on child care.